Delivery to Russia


  1. already sent to Russia?
  2. What could be the problem with customs?
  3. How Supplied device? How complicated technical device or a part of the assembly?
  4. The payment of the legal entity?
  5. Please include delivery charges in Russia
  6. Wood for the box also included in the packages?
  7. It is possible to send the device parts that cost less than 1,000 euros?
  8. What do you think: how much is difficult to buy all the parts in Russia?
  9. Do you know of cases where all the parts purchased are not you, but the device work?

We will construct a device. I would be grateful for answers!

Sincerely, Mikhail.


  1. We have not sent any devices to Russia yet.
  2. I’m not sure what Russia’s import duties are, you will need to investigate
  3. You can get an idea for what it take to assemble a device by looking at the docs and deciding for yourself if you can take on the challenge or not.
  4. We only accept credit and debit cards and all prices are in USD
  5. $350 USD for international shipping
  6. No, too expensive and large to ship
  7. The price for all the parts is currently $3,100 USD
  8. I don’t know Russia and the availability of parts there, but you can see the BOM here.
  9. Yes, there have been about a dozen replications of FarmBot where no parts were purchased from us. We are only selling complete kits at this time and will not ship any until February when they are completed.

Thank you!

  1. It is possible to send the device parts that cost less than 1,000 euros?
    I had in mind: to break the supply to the part. The cost of the less than 1,000 euros.

  2. I don’t know Russia and the availability of parts there, but you can see the BOM here3.
    Thank you! I would use.

Regards, Mikhail.

Hello @Mikhail

We have just launched our Farmbot Kits for order, and we can also ship to Russia (free delivery).
You can check our website to have a look and leave feedback.

If you are interested, let me know, i will be more than pleased to help you.

Thank you.