Energizing for 1st time a V2, only see 1 solid red light on Arduino

The documentation states I should see 1 blinking green and 1 blinking red light … Is this still true?

The Raspberry Pi red light should be solid and the green light should blink intermittently. The Arduino lights vary. Did you follow all of the steps for installing FarmBot OS?

downloaded software and installed SD card. created account … Farmbot configurator does not automatically boot up

If you do not see the farmbot-xxxx WiFi network within a couple minutes of booting up the Raspberry Pi, you will likely need to re-flash the FarmBot OS image onto the SD card.

refreshed program onto SD and reinstalled. Now get solid red light and blinking green light … popup menu now says I may have an outdates browser (mac software up to date) … Note says I need to open “full safari” web browser. I don’t know what that means

As per the FarmBot OS configuration instructions, open a web browser and navigate to FarmBot | Open-Source CNC Farming.

The text of the message you are referring to and some background info:

repeated the same “as per” process and ended up with the same issue. …

Can you open your web browser that you are using for farmbot.io/setup and make sure this test passes?