Expected delivery date of my order

J ordered a FarmBot Genesis XL on Dec 29, 2017 (Order #6863).

When can J expect to receive the items?

Best regards

Hey there,

Thanks for checking in! We’re in the final stages of manufacturing and are targeting a ship date of all the v1.4 pre-orders in the beginning of July. Once your kit leaves our warehouse you’ll receive an automated email with the tracking link so you can plan for delivery.

If you have any other questions about your order that will require exchanging more sensitive information you can email us at support@farm.bot.

Can we get a ballpark count of numbers of orders, or is that a surprise you want to share at a later date?

Thank you very much.

Just wondering how FB G XL shipping is trending and if there will be updated info (docs & vids)…

The v1.4 devices are still on-track to begin shipping in July. We’re seeing orders come in at about 50% Genesis and 50% XL. Once the first devices reach customers, we’ll release the v1.4 documentation (hardware assembly, CAD models, schematics, BOM) and we’ll also be doing another round of videos to accompany the new hardware, though those will take a little longer to shoot and edit.