FarmBot Sync Error

Hey guys!

Its been a while since I’ve had an issue with the FB but came into work today and saw that FB wouldn’t sync.
Giving me a Sync Error. The Web App says FB is out of date and needed to be updated but the update request would fail, tried a factory reset, didn’t work. I just restarted the FB 30 min ago and it has been stuck in “Maintenance Downtime”.


If your FarmBot doesn’t come back online, you can reflash the SD card with the latest FarmBot OS image. It sounds like your FarmBot OS version may have been very old, which would have prevented syncing for compatibility reasons.

@Gabriel Where do i get the latest image? I used to get the older 6.0.3 image from Github but the link is not working anymore :eyes:

I just fixed the link, thanks for pointing that out.

Thanks @Gabriel! Glad I could help point that out.