Fluffy and Rory - adventures in FarmBot

Building X axis drive train - Day 4

Because we love instant gratification and, well, we want to see it move, we are going to try and get the X axis all connected up to web site and moving before building y and z.

The DXF files we used to get the cut plates did not include the correct corner brackets. We used what we did get on one side. On the other side we used a drill press and hacksaw to make one

If I was doing this again, I would consider order the end plate that vikhyat had designed at Gantry Corner Bracket drawing

Setting up the Controller

Totally failed to get this to work until I attached a serial console to the Raspberry PI to see what is going on. Would be nice to have all the log data show up on the web site but even with that, probably need a serial console to deal with errors getting on WIFI and such.

Arduino firmware

Ran into bug (https://github.com/FarmBot/farmbot-arduino-firmware/issues/42) so can’t get the X asis moving. Will have to decide how to attack this problem. Looking at the code, I think I might try a patch that any time the pins for the X1 motor are set, the corresponding pins for the X2 motor are also set.

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