Root-tiller or Claw?

I agree. Air spade is a terrible idea for farming.

What if the farmbot dropped in a small device like the one in the facebook video with a little more size to stabilize it and then it was powered either by a lithium ion battery until it runs low at which point it is recharged by farmbot or you allow it to be be powered by electrical wires from the arm and the arm moves with the device?

I have tried the zero till approach in my vegetable garden for a few years in heavy clay soil and have had no luck with it.

The idea ^^ would be to avoid using farmbot to provide support during the actual tilling

I’m thinking about the scale of the bed, and honestly it doesn’t seem like that much work to me to just hand cultivate a 4.5 sq m bed. I currently maintain a 15’ x 30’ plot by hand, with rakes and hand tools. Of course I believe in this technology or I wouldn’t have bought one. But don’t discount the advantages of getting down in the dirt with your hands. I have found many garden problems by getting up close.

I have major problems with my hands. Just finished occupational therapy on my hands and the problem is still bad. I can’t really do garden work by hand.

Would something like this work, adapted to fit the head? These work off cordless drills. I have just purchased one but haven’t tried it yet.

Helpful thread , very informative and thanks