Tilted installation to save space/improve sun exposure

I am searching a spot in my apartment to install the FarmBot but having only a balcony facing south I am worried about the sun exposure.

The size of the balcony is enough for the standard kit (1,5 x 3 meters). I was hoping to install it tilted by 30 degrees and raised 2 meters from the floor (so to keep the space under it) and mount it on a “mobile” structure so it can be lowered when it is time to harvest.

For what I understand the crops will grow upwards and with the tilted configuration they will cover up part of the weeds from the camera inspection but this is the only problem I can imagine, do anybody foreseen anything worse?

Hello @Lagash,

I believe you already checked some topics on the forum and you can see that some of us installed the farmbot on the balcony. Additionally, the kits have to be weather resistant and as per our experience, we didn’t get any issue with the sun exposure (you can check our blog at http://blog.wefarmbot.com/ )

I would be interested to see the structure you are willing to do, would be nice if you share your progress.


I agree with Nicolas. I’d like to see your progress if you’re willing to share it. I’m considering installing on a balcony as well, so I’d like to know how it works for you to install it tilted.