Unable to connect Farmbot to wifi

I have inherited the school’s farmbot and am trying to get it working with my class. We have previously been able to connect it to my mobile phone hot spot but recently I haven’t even been able to do that. I get this error message:

I am hoping that someone will be able to help me get this sorted so my class can make use of Farmbot!


Hey Simon,

Do you know where the router is? If you have an Ethernet cable, you could avoid all the Wi-Fi problems and just plug it in.


Hi Marc,

Unfortunately to access the school network requires a username and password rather than just a password. It is also against the department’s policy to connect devices rather than people to the network. This is why I am initially trying to hotspot to my phone to get it all set up.


its saying the wifi auth failed, does your mobile phone hotspot have an “allowed devices list” or something like that?

I don’t have problems connecting laptops or iPads or other phones to the wireless hotspot and I didn’t have problems in the past so I don’t think that is the problem?

Any other suggestions?
