Farmbot in China

Hello, I am a farmbot enthusiast from hangzhou, China. I hope to discuss with Chinese enthusiasts how to better use and improve farmbot

Hey Tonny,

great to see you here. We are also working with the farmbot und building some apps.

Would you like to share your farmbot USB Cam picture of the growing field ?
We are currrently working on a farmbot network where we all could collaborate with our bots :slight_smile:
What Do you think?

Have fun

Nice to hear from you:微笑:
I’d love to share some data and pictures, but I have a problem now
My farm robot is very slow and has checked some situations and has not solved it yet

I am also following this fantastic fabricates since early this year, there is no agent in China mainland if I am right.

It will be great if can form up more enthusiasts in China. I locate in Wuhan.

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Farmbot 机器人群二维码