Farmbot OS Disconnects and reconnects

Could that explain:
a) the disconnect that I just needed to cycle power on the bot?

b) to reconnect the farmbots wlan and reconfigure it?

Which is not a problem for the moment being, I could diassemble the SD card for such an event. I appreciate that you are working on a longterm solution! :wink:

No problem @connor, we are working on this as a community. Its just frustrating if you cannot do anything to fix those disconnect problems and thus if you really (sadly just) want to use the FB to water while you´re away…

Is this solved through the SSH connection? Could we connect to it in the local lan and look at the syslog?

Could you point me to the services that farmbot is using so I could ping them regularly and see if such a service is not available when the bot disconnects? Would that point me towards the right direction?

Thanks for you help (finally) :wink:


PS: Maybe we should split the topic and continue in the disconnection thread…?