Farmbot OS Disconnects and reconnects

Connor this is understood but not agreed to only put it onto the shoulder of the “user”. As it depends pretty much how farmbot tries to establish connections to different services, at least the particular thing that causes a complete shutdown (for 30 mins.(!) in my example) should be logged so that the user can work on it. How could I distinguish between something which is bad on my network or maybe services from farmbot which are not available?!

I really do not get why you are so strongly defending not logging what exact reason caused the bot to disconnect or go into “sleep” or factory reset mode?
Today for example, I found the bot disconnected since yesterday evening. That means that it was not pingeable in the network. However, after I powered on / off, it came up and booted into the same network. This was different to other times, when it did not come up again and I needed to connect to farmbots network and configure it again.
I do not experience any problem with other services so it is strongly evident that farmbot does something in a different way.

Its like a child @connor if you do not know why its crying its hard to help :wink:

6.4.9 Fix bug causing FarmBot not to reconnect to WiFi.

Could you explain a bit more was the problem was?
