FB and openhab integration

For everyone interested and those who don’t not know what OpenHAB is and what its capable of, here is a short description with my first draft.

Most popular smarthome systems are operating in their own language which makes it impossible to integrate devices that are not specially made for this system. OpenHAB was made to change that and integrate different home automation systems into one system, so you can even combine devices that are made by a different manufacturer or communicate via different communication protocols.
A more detailed description can be found on their homepage https://www.openhab.org/introduction.html.

I started this project almost a month ago. It teached me a lot about the communication structures that FarmBot is using and was really fun. There is still a lot of work of binding more sensors, actors, APIs and improve the visuals of the panel.

The OpenHAB webserver is running on a raspberry pi 3. Temperature and humidity are measured by two DHT22 sensors (in greenhouse and outside) and stored in a mysql DB and shown in a chart. Solar stats contain a 5A current sensor and a voltage divider to track the state of the solar battery. If the battery gets low, the system automatically switches to a 24V power supply until the battery is fully recharged. The water level in the water barrel is tracked by a simple ultrasonic sensor and displayed in liters. All sensor are connected to a NodeMCU board which sends the raw sensor values via MQTT to OpenHAB.
The weather forecast is an external API (weatherunderground) which is updated every 15 minutes. Those forecast information can be used for FarmBot decision making, but since my FarmBot is inside a greenhouse this feature is not that interesting for me.

Thanks @RickCarlino and @Gabriel for your patience and help in my trouble thread. I really appreciated that :blush: