Feature requests for next version (from 4.0.1.)

Thanks for the feedback and great suggestions.

@Klimbim is adding a “Send Message” Command at the end of your sequences not enough for you? Or are you specifically wanting the last message to be custom? Would adding the Sequence Name to the current last message help? ie: “Put Away Watering Nozzle sequence finished”.

@creimers highlighting the current step is a really neat idea, and something we’ll add to the roadmap! We can also add a browser confirmation dialog for deleting individual steps.

The reasoning behind not having auto-syncing is because we don’t want someone to have their bot tending to the garden (running sequences) and then a work-in-progress getting auto-synced to the device, because that work-in-progress might have unintended effects. Perhaps though we can add a user setting that allows the user to turn on auto-syncing with the understanding that incomplete changes could cause weird behaviour.

Regarding plant states - that’s a great idea too. We can probably start off simple by allowing the user to manually specify the state of the plant by choosing it from a dropdown menu. Eventually we could programmatically increment the plant’s state either based on its age, or via a special item in a regimen or a sequence command.