How to download multiple images from the camera at once

That sounds like a fun project @Jqck !

Currently, the UI does not have such a feature, but that’s not to say it is impossible. Based on your past forum posts, I am going to assume that you are a more advanced user. The solution below assumes you are comfortable with the Linux command line (let me know if that’s not the case).

To get a list of every photo:


  1. Export account data as export.json
  2. Download the JSON fie (in your email inbox)
  3. Use a tool like Jq to extract the attachment_url property from images: jq ".images | map(.attachment_url)" export.json
  4. Download the images. You can use curl or wget if you are familiar with such tools.

Another way to do it that I have mentioned in the past is to download everything via the REST API.

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