Sequences not finishing

Hi all

We are trying to plant our first sequence - after 18 months of IT and Covid we are fully operational but with a huge amount of unpredictability. We are having problems with many little things but planting is our major one right now.

1 - we ran the basic sequence suggestion and added take a photo. We have come to find our camera is now not operations (connected to a bunch of laptops( so we ordered a new one. In the meantime we started planting. We ran the sequence as a test and it worked we added the photo and it now holds on the first plant after depositing and removing the tip. It raises to the safe level we set and it stalls.

2 watering we set the watering at 20 milliseconds and every so often it then goes to 3-6 seconds.

3 - we run a sequence and every so often it times out. We have it set to find home every morning before school and we come in to find it in random spots thinking it’s at home.

4 when travelling down the rails it stalls. The rails are super level (machinist set them for us). Could we have the belts too tight or too lose (how do you check belt tension?)


Hi @Crazybioteacher

A few things:

  • It sounds like you still need to finish calibrating your motors. Please contact and @Marc will help you get finished. You must provide either an order number or a purchase email address to receive support. We do not provide motor calibration support on the forum.

I’m not sure I understand- can you please clarify?

You may need to apply a graphite based lubricant to the Z-axis and adjust the lead block screws. @Marc is happy to give you some pointers on this.

This may be related to your motor issues.

This problem is fixable by using a pin guard, but there may be some other factors at play. What is your device ID? I can take a look at your account.

Your device ID can be found in the connectivity panel:


It sounds like you have them too tight. They need to be tight enough to not slip or come off, but over tightening can lead to motor stalls.

I’m not sure I understand- can you please clarify?

  • after we run the sequence it plants seed 1 and then backs up and stops. It appears to have run the whole sequence (but only planting one) but it does not drop the seeder head which end the sequence

You may need to apply a [graphite based lubricant to the Z-axis and adjust the lead block screws. @Marc is happy to give you some pointers on this. [].

  • I will send him an email, we did put this lubricant on when we built the machine. but I will still email him and adjust those screws

This problem is fixable by using a [pin guard], but there may be some other factors at play. What is your device ID? I can take a look at your account.

  • device id is 4070


It sounds like built up suction in the vacuum line is keeping the seed from dropping. This can be fixed by adding a WAIT block to your sequence after turning off the vacuum peripheral. This gives the vacuum line time to regain pressure (and drop the seed).


4000 ms is a good starting point, but you can probably lower the value. This value is different for every machine.

I will take a look at your device later today and see if I see any bad settings.