You have talked about hosting your own web server to accommodate the user application. Wouldn’t it be possible to host it on the Raspberry Pi itself? I’m asking because if I’m to host my own web server running 24/7, I’d want it to consume the least amount of power and I’d probably end up using another Raspberry Pi. So is there any reason I couldn’t just do that on the bot’s Pi?
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I think that would be do-able. We haven’t tried it, but that would be a pretty slick implementation! Can you open up an issue on the GitHub repo for that?
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Okay, so, I did that. But it was closed pretty quickly.
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Ah yes, Rick likes to keep the repos’ issue trackers clean with active software issues. Like he said though, if you get it working (or run into issues with getting it to work) feel free to re-open the issue and post progress! If everything works out we can add the instructions to the README
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