(We)farmbot builders in/near The Netherlands

Hi folks from the Netherlands, we are steaming ahead, building our Wefarmbot. Any other builders here? Love to connect and share learnings and ideas. Cheers, Sietse

Amsterdam based here. Farmbot rooftop here. Just assembling ours.
Where are you?

We are in Rotterdam. Lets call. Drop me an email at Sietsevis@gmail.com. cheers, Sietse (mag in het Nederlands:) )

Maastricht :smile:

My farmbot is currently indoors. I’m going to place it outside. Is anybody setting it up outside, or has set it up outside, without the additional protection of a cover or greenhouse?
I know they have the original setup outside for years without problems, but the amount of rain in San Luis (California) is 1 : 20 of what it is in Amsterdam per year. So, I am a bit worried when I look at the open components. I am sceptical they can resist our Dutch “slagregen” (hit-rains).

If not for the rain you may still want to protect it against our crazy fluctuating temperatures with a greenhouse of some sort.