Agricultural impact

How can a FarmBot be helpful for the farmer and will also not affect there occupation, if it is used individually by a common man?
@Intelbotfarmer @RickCarlino @arjunb @ruthraprabha

Automation is already very prevalent in Agricultural activity. Tractors, combines, sprayers, and planters are all examples of the past innovations in agriculture. Over the past 10,000 years there has been massive innovation and the Farmbot is just the latest in the innovation cycle. There is no way to change the fact that agriculture technology will change and advance.

Look at how we are communicating now. It’s a way better method than using smoke signals or the telephone.

Technology will advance and the best thing that we can do is imbrace it.

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Yup you are right :+1:

Let us assume, there is a farmer who wants to use automation for his farm as he is fed up of lack of availability of human resource but he is also illiterate and cannot be able to operate this all stuff, so how can I convince that guy to use FarmBot.
Btw I am from INDIA where most of the farmer are illiterate.

In the future, the farmer will only need to supply the seeds, water, electricity and an internet connection. The system will basically run itself. This is only version 4. In several future iterations the system will be much more reliable and will require less technical knowledge to operate.

There will be several training videos in the major languages all available online. There will also likely be training centres in the major cities.


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That’s amazing :ok_hand:
It really help me a lot, Thank you very much.

Nice question by the way! i am sorry for replying late but i would like to answer it in a different way!
Since the farmbot is emerging in many parts of the globe, it is yet to take up many transformations. So it might get better with contributions and innovations. Coming to a farmer with respect to your question, a farmer is capable to adapt to a new technology but needs awareness in a stretch. I accept that they are illiterates which means that they are not capable of reading or writing. But i think they can understand and implement it when you explain it in their language. So this is something called awareness, which can be started by you or me or any form of organization. Also it varied with respect to their expectations…

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