Camera calibration failure


I am having problems with my camera. I cannot get it to calibrate.

I tried during the day and this photo was at night with the strip light. All photos are over exposed and cannot be used.

It did work but I cannot work out what has changed.

Any ideas
Matt V

Hi all

I do not know what has gone wrong, but I do know how to make it work.

The camera has Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to attempt to take the best broad picture.
As the picture is mostly black, it winds the gain to the maximum - thus causing the picture to flare.

Add a piece of A4 (or office size paper) next to the calibration card. The camera will recalibrate against the new ‘white’ surface and the calibration will now work.


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Thanks, that is a great tip and I will add it to our documentation :slight_smile: