Can no longer log in with iPhone

Last week we could run our Farmbot from our iPhone. This week we get a “something went wrong” error screen briefly flashing up before returning to the login screen. Did you change something in the web interface in the last few days? Can still log in with Chrome on a PC.


Thanks for reporting this. We’re looking into an issue with iOS devices and will report back here when this is resolved.

Any progress with iOS devices? We still can’t log in with the iPhone.


Works fine on mine, iPhone6

I’m having the same problem. I’ve tried logging in through safari and chrome on my iPhone. Both load an error webpage (black text on a white background), then quickly reload the main login page

Here too. Please repair!!!

These issues should be resolved now. Can you all try logging in with your iOS devices and let us know if there are any issues?

I still have to press refresh on my browser to retract the side menubar.

Other than that the app seems to be working fine.

Our Farmbot is currently offline. We’ve been having trouble installing the new update remotely and will do a hard update this weekend. I’ll tell you more if we notice anything.

Yes, can log in now. Haven’t tried running the bot from the phone as away but can at least log in.


We are also having trouble with the side bar menu not retracting. You can move the screen behind it, but the side bar doesn’t retract so you can’t see anything.


I´m having problems when displaying the sequences menu. Everyhing is messed up and I cannot scroll in it…