December 28, 2022 Update

Hello all,

Today we’re sharing our final update of 2022. Here’s what’s new:

Express v1.1 Unboxing and Assembly video

Watch the latest video on our YouTube channel to learn what’s new in the FarmBot Express v1.1 kits and then see a complete step-by-step assembly. And of course, for additional tech specs, CAD models, and more, check out our documentation hub at

Setup wizard improvements

We’ve updated the styling of the setup wizard to make text more legible, hierarchy and user selections appear more distinct, certain links open in new tabs, and various components feel more cohesive with the rest of the app.

We’ve also overhauled several setup sections with better organization, additional steps, more images, clarified help text, and additional troubleshooting tips to help new users solve any issues more quickly.

And finally, we’ve added an entirely new section to the setup wizard to INSTALL FARMBOT OS. Steps include selecting which Raspberry Pi is included in your kit, downloading the correct version of FarmBot OS, downloading and using Raspberry Pi Imager, and inserting the microSD card back into the Pi.


  • The default motor current for Genesis bots has been increased to 1000mA.
  • Updated the French translations of the web app. Thank you f-systemes on GitHub for the contribution!
  • Fixed a bug where the z-axis extrusion was being shown in the wrong location for x-axis profile views.
  • Updated some internal infrastructure for keeping track of deployments.

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