Right around the 2 hour mark of weed detection my whole bed I received the following error in the logs:
Failed to upload image (HTTP: 400): “ EntityTooSmall
Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum object size specified in your Policy Document.
The child sequence completed shortly after and then the next child sequence began to execute and it provided me the following error:
[take-photo] ERROR: Could not get image coordinates.
My farmbot then restarted itself and did not return to home. The sync center has a red circle with a white"x" and says that the raspberry pi is not connecting to the farmduino
Here is the message at the bottom of the screen with the code included:
Arduino is possibly unplugged. Check the USB cable between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. Reboot FarmBot after a reconnection. If the issue persists, reconfiguration of FarmBot OS may be necessary. (code 30)
Has anyone ran into this issue it resolved it before?
We have not seen this error before and I will take a look on Monday. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
After this error occurred. I unplugged and plugged my farmbot. It did not go to home as my software is configured to do so. I went to the control tab and it said it was at 0,0,0 but it was in the middle of the bed.
Also my z access then started stuttering on the way up but not the way down. I changed nothing. I thought it was a vref issue so I went from .56v to 1v even though it was working before. That didn’t change the issue. I noticed when I told it to move 100mm it was stopping 7 times which was my max retries count. I went into device and the max speed, home speed, and min speed were set to 25,15, 15 or something close to that. I tried to set them all to a minimum of 35 for troubleshooting purposes. It didn’t fix the issue. I went back to check on the settings and they shot up to 200+, 100+, 200+ without my interaction. Although they were obviously not that high because my z motor was not spinning that fast at all. I looked at them now just as I was posting this because I corrected them yesterday and had the thing working. Now they are set to 7,4,4 as the max,home,min speed. Can you tell me if someone has logged into my account and is modifying those values?
Or is it still carrying over from the original ip address.
Can you tell me if someone has logged into my account and is modifying those values?
This is not something we do for customers, but if you are suspicious of unauthorized activity you should change your password immediately. Changing your password will kick all other devices off of your account, including your FarmBot. You will then need to re-configurate.
Please contact contact@farmbot.io
if you are a FarmBot customer and require assistance with device calibration. Marc will be happy to guide you in troubleshooting. Please have your order ID ready if you are not contacting us from the email you used for the initial purchase.
I will begin investigating your initial issue (“Entity too small error”) today.
I am getting the exact same error:
<Message>Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum object size specified in your Policy
<Details>Content-length smaller than lower bound on range</Details>
Have you found the reason in the last 4 years?