Failed to start child: Elixir.Farmbot.BotState.Transport.AMQP

Hey Everyone,

I am trying to configure my farmbot after a few months of innactivity. After I configure the WIFI network using, this message appears after the reboot:


Last shutdown reason: Failed to start child: Elixir.Farmbot.BotState.Transport.AMQP reason: {{:function_clause, [{:amqp_gen_connection, :terminate, [{:function_clause, [{:inet_dns, :encode_labels, [<<0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 98, 114, 105, 115, 107, 45, 98, 101, 97, 114, 3, 114, 109, 113, 9, 99, 108, 111, 117, 100, 97, 109, …>>, {4, {[“brisk-bear”, “rmq”, “cloudamqp”, “com”, “”, “home”], 12, nil, {[“rmq”, “cloudamqp”, “com”, “”, “home”], 23, {[“cloudamqp”, “com”, “”, “home”], 27, nil, {[“com”, “”, “home”], 37, nil, nil}}, nil}}}, 41, ["", “home”]], [file: ‘inet_dns.erl’, line: 694]}, {:inet_dns, :encode_name, 4, [file: ‘inet_dns.erl’, line: 675]}, {:inet_dns, :encode_query_section, 3, [file: ‘inet_dns.erl’, line: 269]}, {:inet_dns, :encode, 1, [file: ‘inet_dns.erl’, line: 240]}, {:inet_res, :make_query, 5, [file: ‘inet_res.erl’, line: 670]}, {:inet_res, :make_query, 4, [file: ‘inet_res.erl’, line: 638]}, {:inet_res, :res_query, 6, [file: ‘inet_res.erl’, line: 622]}, {:inet_res, :res_getby_query, 4, [file: ‘inet_res.erl’, line: 589]}]}, {#PID<0.1129.0>, {:amqp_params_network, “device”, “token”, “vbzcxsqr”, ‘’, 5672, 0, 0, 10, 60000, :none, [&:amqp_auth_mechanisms.plain/3, &:amqp_auth_mechanisms.amqplain/3], [], []}}], [file: ‘/root/project/deps/rpi3/amqp_client/src/amqp_gen_connection.erl’, line: 239]}, {:gen_server, :try_terminate, 3, [file: ‘gen_server.erl’, line: 648]}, {:gen_server, :terminate, 10, [file: ‘gen_server.erl’, line: 833]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: ‘proc_lib.erl’, line: 247]}]}, {:gen_server, :call, [#PID<0.1130.0>, :connect, 60000]}} This is likely a bug. Please copy or screenshot this error and send it to the Farmbot developers.

environment: prod

source_ref: 71565cf71e8cbd0c097f02522c02a0b2ab91a38c

target: rpi3


[ {Farmbot, :start, 2, [file: ‘lib/farmbot.ex’, line: 22]},

{:application_master, :start_it_old, 4, [file: ‘application_master.erl’, line: 273]}]

I am completely lost here. Help!



I found out that there is a close port in my network that is stopping the farmbot from talking with the farmbot server. Port 5672

How can I fix this? Please help guys :wink:

Hi @Diogo,

Yes, your network will need to have port 5672 open for the FarmBot to connect to the message broker with the AMQP protocol.

You will need to ask your network administrator to do this and/or change your router’s firewall settings yourself.