Farmbot sequences are not available through MQTT

Hi guys,

I have been designing an autonomous MQTT communication with my Farmbot, and when I desing a sequence on the Web App, the MQTT I receive is the following one:

“kind” : “rpc_request”,
“args” : {
“label” : “e25d9ce9-5f9d-4a21-88ae-5691c10e6c9d”
“body” : [ {
“kind” : “data_update”,
“body” : [ {
“kind” : “pair”,
“args” : {
“label” : “sequences”,
“value” : “*”
} ],
“args” : {
“value” : “add”
} ]

However, I read on the topic ‘Setting up a server - Where are the sequences stored’ that you send this data to the Raspberry Pi. Could you tell me how, because I would like to have the Celery Script that define the sequence.

Thank you.

FarmBot OS gets sequences directly from the API, not through MQTT. You can view the code of your sequences by running

JSON.stringify(Object.values(store.getState().resources.index.references).filter(x => ["Sequence"].includes(x.kind)).map(x => x.body))

in the Chrome JavaScript console (Ctrl + Shift + J).