FarmBot Stories: Brainstorming Innovative Open-Source Approaches to Food Production with NASA

Hi FarmBot community,

We just published our latest “FarmBot Stories” video showing what happened at the brainstorming event we had with NASA back in July.

We tailored this video to be less about FarmBot and more focused on open-source. Specifically, how the sharing of ideas can lead to far greater accomplishments and may have implications well beyond the imagination of the original contributor. Big shoutout to all of you, our community members, who are helping humanity to one day grow food in deep space, on the Moon, and Mars!

I hope you all find the video as inspiring as I do. Enjoy! :rocket: :full_moon: :seedling:

And big thanks to Tristan from for the fantastic film making!


This is incredible.

Cheers from your #nerdfarmer friends at OpenAg! We just got our first FarmBot here in St. Louis, exciting!

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