FarmBot UI not updating logs - "Device is sending too many logs (more than 500 logs in 1 minute)"

The Logs tab on our FarmBot Web UI returns the following warning:
“Warn __ Device is sending too many logs (more than 500 logs in 1 minute). Suspending log storage and display until 09:43PM. __ Unknown __ Apr 14, 9:42pm”

The UI does not seem to be getting any additional entries.
This is with FarmBot OS Version 7.0.1

Any ideas?

Thanks! (and feel free to either move this to a more relevant area or tie it to a pre-existing Forum post)

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This seems related to:

Is re-flashing the FB OS a good idea?
If so, what data & settings are not persistent to re-flash’s & OS up/down grades? (So I know what to record and re-set after the update)

Just need to read more posts…
I am off to re-flash to 7.0.1 and see if that fixes the logs…

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@Intelbotfarmer Did that fix the problem? Please let me know.

And it got worse (I know you don’t want to hear this)

At first, there was the “too many logs” message.
(Also no new logs were created)

Then, sequences we had created did not function. I would select “Test”, the toast would pop up stating that it was executing, but the bot did not respond.

However, manual control (jog, lights, vacuum, water) all functioned from the “Controls” tab.

Then, a few hours later, nothing worked and the UI showed “Disconnected”.

At this point I drove to the bot, removed power, re-flashed the FBOS with a freshly download 7.0.1
I went through the “Configurator” and entered all the same wired Ethernet settings we used prior.

No love. The bot did not take the settings, but does seem to connect (per the “Connectivity” widget. It showes green everywhere except between the bot and the message broker, which is yellow.

I hope this helps you help us…:slight_smile:

@Intelbotfarmer I just took a look at your sequence and I see what is going on. One of your sequences is an endlessly recursive sequence. The sequence was running infinitely and was calling itself from within an execute block. If you want to know the exact name of the sequence, shoot me a PM and I can give more details.

I went ahead and:

  • Unthrottled your account
  • Removed the execute block that was causing the recursive condition.

For future reference, if you are going to build a recursive sequence, it is important that you either put a few wait blocks in or make sure that the recursive sequence has a “stop condition” that is guaranteed to eventually stop the sequence.

Your device is currently offline, so I can’t be 100% sure, but judging from your logs I think this is probably what happened.


Thank you!

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Hello everyone,

hope you’re going well.

I have the same warning message with my farmbot, that many logs are being sent.

How can I deleted these logs?

Can this warning be fatal for the farmbot?

Thanks for your answer in advance.

@kkana Are you still having the issue? I can’t find a device that matches your forum email address. Please send me your account email via private message and I can take a look first thing tomorrow.