
I do have 4 pictures of every max. x position afterwards; the logs are a little bit strange, I do not understand it; does the farmware wait for a picture to be uploaded?

Here´s the last step of the complete sequence:

Busy Image Watcher trying to upload /tmp/images/rotated_1527340884.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info Uploading: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340884.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success Image Watcher successfully uploaded: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340884.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Image Watcher trying to upload /tmp/images/rotated_1527340879.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info Uploading: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340879.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success Image Watcher successfully uploaded: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340879.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Image Watcher trying to upload /tmp/images/rotated_1527340873.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info Uploading: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340873.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success Image Watcher successfully uploaded: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340873.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Image Watcher trying to upload /tmp/images/rotated_1527340867.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info Uploading: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340867.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success Image Watcher successfully uploaded: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340867.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Image Watcher trying to upload /tmp/images/rotated_1527340859.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info Uploading: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340859.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success Image Watcher successfully uploaded: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340859.jpg 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success #Farmware<Selfie(1.0.3)> completed without errors. 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success [TAKE A PHOTO] - Sequence complete. 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success #Farmware<take-photo(1.0.2)> completed without errors. 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Image Watcher trying to upload /tmp/images/rotated_1527340884.jpg 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info Uploading: /tmp/images/rotated_1527340884.jpg 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Beginning execution of #Farmware<take-photo(1.0.2)> 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info [TAKE A PHOTO] - Sequence Executing: TakePhoto 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy [TAKE A PHOTO] - Sequence init. 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info [Selfie] Executing sequence: TAKE A PHOTO(8680) 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success Movement to (1266.0, 1050.0, 0.0) complete. (Stopped at end) 1266, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Busy Moving to (2646.0, 1050.0, 0.0) 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Info [Selfie] Moving absolute: {‘y’: 1050, ‘x’: 2646, ‘z’: 0} 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Success [TAKE A PHOTO] - Sequence complete. 1265, 1050, 0 May 26, 3:21pm

Every time I execute a sequence I print a line in the log. My logs are marked with “[Selfie]” Other messages are generated by the platform and I don’t control them.
As you can see I call TAKE A PHOTO sequence only once in this example. Yet the bot does something strange after that. I’d guess it is still uploading pictures from the previous shots. Try to add a delay in your ‘TAKE A PHOTO’ sequence

Thank you,

Is it just me or does it seem strange that the images seem to be copied in reverse order and the time is always “3:21”…?

I guess things happened fast (within 1 min) and most recent logs are always on the the top (i.e. in reverse)
So this might be normal.

In overal, farmbot logs are not perfect yet I wonder if someone can enhance them …

I mean even the take photo sequence takes some time; I see the bot standing and not moving to the next spot for maybe a minute or so?

But as the log is so great, I even cannot look up now how long the whole sequence took because I need to scroll down more than 100 lines. C´mon FB Team, please enhance the log as discussed so many times! @connor @Gabriel!

I did solve the problem with the four pictures at the end! I had a too high x end coordinate in the setup so the bot tried to go there and then take a picture but because he couldn´t due to hardware restrictions he took the picture at the same place. So maybe a quick check wether the position was successfully reached would be a good improvement?

What I saw as well: It seems that the settings in the farmware are not taken over. I set: (320, 340) as suggested
step size, this is what the bot does:

Movement to (844.0, 0.0, 0.0) complete.
Movement to (1266.0, 0.0, 0.0) complete.
Movement to (0.0, 425.0, 0.0) complete.
Movement to (422.0, 425.0, 0.0) complete.

So it takes x = 422 and y = 425 as step size…?!
Any idea why?

My config for completeness:
Corner with min coordinates: (0, 0)
Corner with max coordinates: (1266, 1277)

Glad that you solved the problem. In my case moving to unreachable coordinates causes e-stop and farmware abort. I don’t know how to check if position was reached or not. We must have difference in hw setup if yours is not doing the same thing.

as for the input parameters not being accepted by farmware I bet you bumped into the bug below


I noticed that if you change a parameter in WebApplication/Farmware form - you need to place focus on some other field before you click “RUN”. Otherwise old value is passed to farmware script even though the new value is displayed in the form.

I figured out that if I sync before all goes well… maybe you can catch this somehow better? It could be dangerous if you switch from real to test and that is not taken synced properly (as happened to me today) :slight_smile: :wink:

sync is not making a difference here. What makes a difference is to change focus from the “action” field after you updated its value. Try just press Tab to change focus.

1 Like

I agree with @etcipnja, his Farmware couldn’t do any better to avoid this behaviour. Maybe @Gabriel knows a way to improve this in the webapp.

Mine Just does one step and then crashes :frowning:

Please share a screenshot of you’re settings…

Here they are:

Thank you for the report.
I found the problem.

This farmware can be interrupted in the middle and restarted from the point where it was interrupted. This is needed to mitigate possible problem with the camera (black screen, etc). To be able to resume I need to save last position somewhere. I save it in the “Watering Tool”. In your case I was not able to find “Watering Tool” and it caused a problem. I added a check - so now if the tool is not found - I continue without error, but resume will not be possible

Please check 1.0.7

Thank you,

Hello @etcipnja thanks for sharing the Farmware

i tried to run the farmware and the movement is perfectly fine, but it never took the photo even once. Here is my logs attached.

I suppose you are using the borescope camera that included in the Farmbot package, could it because i used Raspberry pi camera instead the boroscope camera be the problem?

Can you manually execute sequence TAKE A PHOTO and send me the logs?
I bet this sequence is empty and it is not doing anything :slight_smile:

This is my whole log after pressing Take Photo button:

@skuter, sorry, I was asking @Julius
I believe @Julius created ‘TAE A PHOTO’ sequence but left it empty

Hey @etcipnja: Just realized that my webapp is not displaying your MLH and the Selfie despite it says if I install it again already installed and then it display these two super gadgets!!! Do you know if that is just a problem for your farmwares? The calibration and weed detection ones are always avail… -.- @Gabriel any idea?

This is I glitch of the platform. Try to reboot bot by sending reboot command from device page

Same problem different thread…