Flashes Firmware 11 times a day?

@masze thank you again for the helpful feedback! I have a lot of perfectionism in me as well, and always strive to continuously improve things. Its always a tough balancing act though with adhering to a timeline to ship something. Ie: taking a list of 10 things that need to be improved, choosing to tackle just two and half of them and shipping the improvements to everyone sooner, while saving the rest of the issues for the next version.

For the issues you mentioned, I am happy to report that we already have features for most of what you’re asking for! (Which means we really need to improve our documentation a bit and the ways in which we communicate updates to users like yourself :sweat_smile:) Here is some info you may have missed:

Calibrate water flow rate

You can indeed place a graduated mug under under the watering nozzle and with one click get a WATER FLOW RATE (mL/s), which can be used by the FarmBot via the dispense(mL) and water(plant) Lua functions, which are used in some of our featured sequences. Here is more information:

Water using curve

Once you have the flow rate defined, you can use that in your own custom Lua code and/or with one of our featured sequences, such as this simple one to Water Using Curve. Just import the sequence into your account and then you can use it as a command in other sequences :wink:

Lua for all

Stay tuned for some AI magic :magic_wand:

Regarding future electronics

@jan.janson thanks for letting us know you use that connector for your camera extension. Hearing more how our customers use the product as well as which add-ons/modifications they are using help inform us where to evolve the platform. I can’t make any guarantees that that exact modification will be supported in future versions, as we generally need to focus on the 95% use case the most. Though rest assured, even when a new electronics platform comes out in a new version of the FarmBot, you’ll still be able to use your existing setup.

Up until this point we have always tried our best to ensure backwards compatibility, but at some point the course of technology is that you have to make breaking changes to move the platform forwards. Those changes will simultaneously not be compatible with some legacy use cases, but also open up many new use cases!

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