Genesis MAX size

OK, 3 years ago I started with DIY farmbot. My choice was family size - the Genesis MAX. Now my bed is 3m on 7.5m . Unfortunately MAX was canceled and the Designer App (public one) offers maximum length 6m for X axis. Can I overwrite somehow the X maximum length (in the settings) somehow ?
I have now other issues than build and maintain own server (spring time, solving mechanical issues).
Thank you, Jan

Btw. my current track length is 7.5m, it only use 6m because of software limitation (max 6m). I have no issues with the length like mechanical, motors driving (I use bit stronger model).

Hello Jan,
Where do you see the length limitation? I can set my axis length to 8m without issues, but I can’t move there mechanically as its only 3m in real.

As you can see the map ends at 6m but I set 7.5m for the X Axis.

There is an additional setting called MAP SIZE to set the map size in the Farmdesigner-setting page.
You can either set your desired size in X- and Y, or just simply activate DYNAMIC MAP SIZE which will use your axis length value.

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Dear Ascend, thank you very much for responsiveness, quick communication, understanding and finally help. This is what I search for. Thank you!


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