I have a plan aplly AnanasStepper to Formbot

I have a plan aplly AnanasStepper to Formbot

Use this system to expand Formbot,And I should to do a feasibility research.

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That’s basically what I’m planning to do with a board I’ve designed, except the communications protocol I use will be Modbus. I’ll also put the electronics in a box next to each motor, then all the wiring I need is 12V and a twisted pair for serial comms to link them all together. So the wiring harness weight will be greatly reduced which should lead to better performance (this is also the way to go if you want to scale up to larger areas).

I’ll caution you against using the A4988 driver, there are much better alternatives, and you might need more current capability than what that provides anyway. The 2A capability (of the A4988) is only 1.4A rms, and that is an absolute maximum rating. I wouldn’t go anywhere near that rating because exceeding it risks damaging the chip.

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Yes,Thanks for your reply. May A4988 is so weak for formbot, It seems I should use some other more powerful driver to extend AnanasStepper.
Evaluate it , modbus is nice for formbot.
Looking forward to the new design!!