Inconsistent mounting and dismounting

Hi all,
For a while now we have been suspecting strange behavior from our FarmBot’s mounting and dismounting operations. We have scheduled 6 watering sequences a day, ranging from 7:00 to 19:00. Sometimes, when we would come in in the morning we would find the watering nozzle on the ground, but when we would check to see the watering sequences (including mounting and dismounting) they seem to have worked perfectly.
I added a “take a picture” command to track this phenomenon, it takes a picture of the tool’s slot each time after dismounting it. I attached the results from the last 24 hours. It’s important to note that the code hasn’t been changed between these operations. In addition, we’re experiencing tool verification issues (handled in a different post), which means we don’t know if the problem is in the mount or the dismount.

Has anyone experienced similar inconsistent behavior from the system? Would appreciate any advice.

Thank you!

Make sure when the Z-axis moves up to dismount the tool, it moves up high enough so any subsequent movements don’t accidentally pull the tool out magnetically.

While Genesis machines are quite good at keeping track of their location with the rotary encoders, you may try inserting another Find Home command before the Dismount Tool step.

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It goes up roughly 200 on the Z-axis movement. I now added the Find Home before the dismount, hope it will allow a smoother operation. I will update in case the problem remains. Thank you! :raised_hands:

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