List of Metadata available to use in Farmware?

Is there a list of metadata variables available to study? Would like to have a better idea of what option we have to work with when using some of these super handy Farmware’s

Nearly all of your Web App data and FarmBot status information is available to use in Farmware. If you are interested in developing Farmware, you may want to read the Farmware development documentation for more information about the data available and how to use it.

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Is this automatically accessible via the MLH farmware for instance? Then a list of meta data would be veeeery helpful @etcipnja :wink:

Hmnn I’m not really sure what you exactly mean with metadata…but maybe you’re just looking for a documentation like this:

@roryaronson have you seen that i’ve made link suggestions which includes this link: at the Farmbot Development Documentation ?

While that auto-generated module contents link is neat, it unfortunately isn’t as complete as using help(farmware_tools) in a Python console as mentioned (after the usage examples) in the main Farmware documentation. I have added it to the documentation to use with caution; thanks for sharing it.

Since, as mentioned above, nearly all Web App data and FarmBot status information is accessible via Farmware, you may find the Web App API and Farmware API sections useful. Each contains links to lists of the resources available.

:confused: I did not find the information I was searching for. This would be something as @etcipnja mentioned in his github description to set - FILTER BY META DATA: [(‘last_watering’,‘today’)]… I thought this could be more generalized, but I do get that it depends on the implementation of the destinct plugin (aka farmware)…?


@Klimbim @johnmurr - there is no such list. because there is no metadata unless you create it with your firmware

Metadata just a fancy word. Think about it as a storage (key, value) available for your farmware. Each object (plant, tool) has this storage. It is up to your farmware how you will use it.
MLH for example saves there date and amount of watering done (and few other things)

Thank you,

OK let me ask the other way round; I was interested in the attributes / metadata which are already saved by the farmbot on its own per default… moreover which language is that, could you point to how for instance I find out what the negation is? (like !today)

Thanks a lot!


I was interested in the attributes / metadata which are already saved by the farmbot on its own per default

there is nothing saved in farmbot by default. This storage is empty.

moreover which language is that
it is up to farmware to decide what to store there. I store Python data structures.

could you point to how for instance I find out what the negation is? (like !today)
not sure I fully understood the question, but here is how you may see what is stored in your case
you may run MLH without any task you will see in the logs something like this

[MLH] Plant: (1610, 200) Pepper - planted(2018-06-10) {u’spread’: u’500’, u’iwatering’: “{‘2018-08-27’: 1128, ‘2018-08-30’: 1171, ‘2018-08-24’: 1085}”, u’height’: u’700’} → planted(2018-06-10) {u’spread’: 500, u’iwatering’: “{‘2018-08-27’: 1128, ‘2018-08-30’: 1171, ‘2018-09-03’: 1228}”, u’height’: 700}

everything in {} is a metadata. In your case it will be different ofc.

Thank you,