Live streaming the borehole camera to LAN

I solved the problem by purchasing a secondary USB camera from the Farmbot shop, and attached it to a secondary Raspberry Pi, on the opposite side of the gantry powered it using the peripheral 24V pwr and a motorcycle 24V to USB 5v cigarette adapter . On the secondary Raspberry Pi, I installed a program called Motion and then live stream that to the web app. The second USB camera is currently just taped adjacent to the primary camera mount, soon a 3D part will be completed to allow both cameras to be side by side. I set it up this way so that I can keep Farmbot farmware camera for its primary duty, but then use the secondary for navigation, live stream and OpenCV. The secondary Raspberry Pi can also inject commands to the MQTT message service to manipulate the farmbot, testing python and Node.js now, may end up with both…