Hi all,
We’ve just deployed another update to the web app and our software documentation. Here’s what’s new:
Refreshed photo viewer
We’ve updated the photos panel with a newly styled photo viewer featuring an informational and control strip at the bottom and more modern unobtrusive previous/next buttons on the left and right. When you navigate to the panel, you can now also use the left/right arrow keys to cycle through the images.
Clicking the coordinates of where a photo was taken shows a button to move FarmBot back to that location in case you would like to take another photo from the same vantage point.
And finally, the fullscreen viewer has been polished to prevent distracting bright flashes of content while loading a new image, and it now responds to the escape key to close the fullscreen mode.
Delete logs
You can now delete individual logs by mousing over the log and clicking the trash can icon on the right side of the table.
You can also delete all logs on your account from a new button in the logs page gear menu.
Software documentation updates
We’ve updated many of the pages of the software docs to include new media showing the latest UI, as well as new and updated content to reflect the features and improvements we’ve made to the app over the last few months:
- We’ve added a new how-to guide for sharing a single FarmBot with many users or user groups, such as in an educational setting.
- Updated media on the pin bindings page to reflect the recently updated UI.
- Updated media of various panels to show the new color pickers and panel headers.
- Added entries to the settings section for the boot sequence, landing page and custom settings.
- Included information about the new garden notes field.
- Added a page describing how to access and use the in-app featured sequences.
- Added a page describing the jobs popup.
- Updated media and content to showcase the latest add sequence command UI.
- Added a section for how to add manual sensor readings.
And as usual, there are a few other nearly unnoticeable updates:
- “1 days old” is now correctly shown as “1 day old”.
- Routine update of software dependencies.