Photo Contest - Show us your FarmBot Garden - Ready to Harvest

Contest details: Hello FarmBot Community :seedling: Send us a photo or photos of your garden. We want to see your FarmBot Garden in full grow mode, just before it is ready to harvest. If you have already harvested your vegetables, send us a photo of the produce! We want to see your best growing plants and vegetables for this season.

:tomato: :strawberry: :carrot: :corn: :leafy_green:

Show us your best and you could win this contest! Send us a photo of your garden for a chance to win.

Prize: $100 gift card to The FarmBot Shop and shoutout on our email newsletter and social media channels! Winner will be announced at the end of the month :trophy:

Terms: By submitting a post here, you consent to FarmBot Inc using the content on our website, in videos, on social media, in advertisements, and in other forms of promotional content.

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Lettuce, spinach, green beans, onions, eggplant, melons, and cabbages in Cleveland, Ohio


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Hello FarmBot Community :seedling: Send us photos of your garden harvest :tomato: :strawberry: :carrot: :corn: :leafy_green:

Does anybody have any more photos of their harvest to submit? We want to see your great vegetables. The winning prize is a $100 gift card to the FarmBot Shop.


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The AMKP Farmbot at Ang Mo Kio Primary School is an innovative tool used to teach Primary 6 students about the role of technology in urban farming, aligning with Singapore’s 30/30 food sustainability goal. This hands-on experience empowers students to cultivate crops autonomously, utilizing robotics and programming to manage the growth process. Through Farmbot, students gain practical insights into sustainable agriculture practices, from sowing to harvesting, while understanding how technology can address urban challenges in food production. The program nurtures Science Champions who lead and inspire their peers in the school’s broader sustainability efforts.