Pi connectivity issue

I have assembled a testbed for a custom bot based on the Genesis v1.4 that in particular uses TMC2130s as stepper motor controllers. For the moment, the testbed consists only of an arduino, a connected RAMPS v1.4 board, which in turn has 4 correctly mounted and connected TMC2130s and 4 connected stepper motors.

I’ve modified the Arduino v1.4 firmware a bit to allow it to use the TMC2130s. When I install this firmware manually, I can approve the configuration, and then appropriate movement in the stepper motors occurs when G00 commands are sent.

However, when I then hook this up to an RPI with farmbotOS installed and setup, I get the following error messages on the log:

UNABLE TO SELECT FARMDUINO! Please connect farmduino or set a valid firmware path.
Detecting available UARTs: [“ttyACM0”, “ttyAMA0”]

Given that there is only one Arduino connect to the RPI, it seems strange that it is detecting two UARTs. Does anyone have any ideas what could be happening here?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Julek1024 Raspberry Pi 3B will present those two serial devices. Just pick the one you wish to talk to your controller and select that device name in your Web App settings for Firmware

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