Press coverage: FarmBot in c't-Magazin

I work as an editor for the c’t magazine. c’t is europe’s biggest magazine about computers and technology (in german language). I wrote four articles about my experience building a FarmBot Genesis 1.5.

Here is a german video about the project:

Links to the articles:


So after many years in absence I will have to get issue 9 and 10 2021 of c’t :sunglasses:


There is a DIY magazin called Make at Heise and you publish it in the c’t? So why have I subscribed the Make magazin? :wink:

I had not in mind that the tool changing option has the Genesis only and not the Express, good point Pina / @pinae! Just to be clear, can e.g. seeding be done with the Genesis only or can I change tools by hand with the Express.

In case you have a link for a comparison Genesis vs Express it would be nice.

Make publishes mainly step-by-step instructions. In c’t we have some amount of maker content but with a focus on microcontrollers and how to program them. So in the best interest of my employer I advise you to look into both magazines.

I do compare the Genesis and the Express in my second article. However all the infos are readily available on the official website: and

As I understand seeding is possible with the express. The seeding tool for the genesis has interchangeable needles which is probably a bit better for very small seeds.

In my opinion the seeding tool is not very important. I wanted to start early this year and bought small plants in a garden market. I designed a “planter” tool for the genesis to mark holes in the ground where I planted the small plants by hand. With this method I already have growing vegetables in my beet. It’s still below 0°C at night at the moment so I added removable arches to the raised bed which act as a support for a transparent foil. This effectively keeps the early plants from freezing. The 3D printed holders for this are available in my copy of the FarmBot design in Onshape:

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Do you have a Thingiverse, Prusaprinters, etc. link for that. :smiley:

Just had a look but couldn’t find them there. :man_shrugging:t3:

Here is another Video in German. I give an overview of the web app:
We talked about the FarmBot in our Video-Podcast “c’t-Uplink”: c’t-Farmbot: Garten-Roboterbau im Selbstversuch | c’t uplink 37.5 - YouTube