Resume failed sequence

ok now when i am running a planting sequence and X axis fails after planting the first seed. How do i rerun the sequence so it does not replant that first seed?


Just run it from the start again I regularly plant 2 seeds per hole its common practice. That said if it fails again work out why.

In your case you can run the planting sequence over all plants that are not defined as “planted” in the farm designer. Just create a group with the “plant status filter” set to “planted” and manually set the first seed that was already planted to “planted”.

Having the “Mark As” command in the sequence editor would do that automatically, but its still under development.

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@jorrflv Two things:

What caused the sequence to fail? Please let me know if you think there are bugs in the latest FBOS version

Possible solution after the next FBOS version comes out: The next version of FBOS (less than a month away) will support the use of MARK AS on variables. A possible solution under this yet-to-be-released feature would be to:

  • Mark all plants as “planned”
  • Create a filter group called “Seeding TODO”. This group will contain all points where the plant status is “planned”.
  • Perform your seeding sequence on all the items in the group.
  • Use MARK AS on each item (a sequence variable) to mark the plant as “planted”. This will cause it to disappear from the "seeding TODO" group.

Are you trying to do something along those lines?

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I am not sure why, but my x-axis is a royal PITA. Y and Z are great, but X will fail sometimes for no apparent reason. It is not running over a joint in the track, there is nothing in its way. What kind of testing could i do to help you identify bugs in the FBOS?


I’d like that capability ! Maybe @roryaronson will share some ideas / knowledge (?)

Yes, as @Ascend and @RickCarlino mentioned, defining your group of plants using the Stage filter would allow you to remove the first seed from the sequence by advancing it’s stage. You can do that manually right now from the plant details panel, but very soon it can be done automatically in the sequence. The new MARK AS step is mostly finished - we’re just ironing out bugs and doing QA checks now. Expect a software announcement soon!

That being said though, @whitecaps’s suggestion of addressing the root cause is the more important thing to do here. You might try lowering your x-axis max speed, increasing the distance it accelerates over, and/or fine tuning some of the encoder parameters like MAX MISSED STEPS. You might also try increasing the MAX RETRIES value so FarmBot attempts a failed movement a few more times before calling it quits.

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