School to School support for New FarmBotters

Hi fellow educators and FarmBot-in-ed enthusiasts!

We are a high school in Monterey, California and purchased two FarmBot Express XL v1.1s in March to set up with our students. I know this ed forum is more for strategies and opportunities, but I’m wondering if I may pose a request here. If this is not what we do here, ignore (or feel free to remove / redirect this request). :slight_smile:

The process for getting our FB up has been quite challenging, specifically with our x-axis, as well as some of the setup config issues. We’ve researched, looked at posts and videos, and connected with support. I know that the FarmBot team is small (but mighty), yet is unable to do phone/video support. I was wondering if there is any school that has set up their FB (hopefully an Express XL) and would be able to connect with us to help guide us through some of our questions and even troubleshoot via video chat. Perhaps an hour or two? Having another pair of eyes who’ve successfully put this together would be great, as I think we’re stuck and can’t see other options.

Thank you!

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