Separate water nozzle (no need to Mount) / Improved water flow

I have posted an alternative water nozzle on Thingiverse:

It has solved two issues and created one additional benefit for me:

  1. Rather than droplets, the original watering tool on my FBot creates a devastating water column of death (water pressure not high enough?). The new tool has less holes and they are printed at different angles, hence resulting in a cone of droplets:



  1. I have lots of issues with Tool Verification not detecting when a tool is mounted. The fact that this nozzle is always connected means that I don’t have to worry anymore about whether the correct tool is mounted or not.

  2. Finally, one added benefit is the fact that my watering sequence doesn’t need to mount and unmount anymore. This saves time and reduces noise.

If you want to print one for yourself, you will need:

2 x M5 screws 25mm
2 x M5 Washers
2 x M5 nuts for 20x20 alu profile

Finally, the new nozzle is mounted in front of the UMT. If you want to maintain absolute accuracy, you should offset your X position in your watering sequence by -51mm.


Awesome design! And thanks for sharing the design files with the community :slight_smile:


I was looking for a water nozzle design with a softer flow, so I found your post. Great design, works well.


Thanks for letting me know and the kind words. It looks good in white!

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Thanks for the file - got a friend to print this for my express…

Still wondering about trying to reduce water pressure even more as still leaves holes in the soil (watering from top Z axis )

You are welcome and thank you for the kind words. I have been using it for the past four years and it works well on my Genesis. I hope that it will do the trick for you as well.

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How did you adjust the movement by -51 mm when using a sequence such as ‘Water all’

Was it here

for k, v in pairs(points) do
    if v.pointer_type == "Plant" then
        table.insert(plants, {name =, x = v.x, y = v.y})
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I’ve just used “x-offset”.

Hi @ranguard
Yes, the water holes in the soil are a problem. I would like the watering to be a directed shower rather than a wash. I dropped the water pressure but dropping main water and installing a small 24 V pump from a tank and it made no difference. I think the holes are just too large. I am considering modifying this model and making the holes more like my shower head. 8-).
The trick is to ensure that the back of the holes can be serviced, in case they get clogged. That is the hard bit.