Sequence flow question

So I have been unable to get either MLH or Selfie to run (see my post at How to adjust “stitching” to get a better FB selfie)
Aside: I would love help figuring out why I can’t run them.

Having said that, I currently have an IF sequence that does a Tool Verification.
IF a tool is present (digital “0”) it runs a sequence called “The Short Wait” (waits 5 seconds and returns to the flow.
IF a tool is not present (digital “1”) it runs a sequence called “The Long Wait” (sends an email alerting no tool present, then waits 24 hours before returning to the flow.

Short of a “Sequence Abort”, this alerts me and gives me time to get to the plot and fix the problem.
I run this right after my “Get Watering Nozzle” Sequence.
I could insert it anyplace or time, if I worry about the tool getting knocked off…

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