Setup seed tray

I’m installing seedtray on my farmbot genesis XL and the documentation says:

“If you plan to load a seed container into the slot, use coordinates for when FarmBot’s seed injector needle will be positioned to pick up a seed from the container”

So what do I need to do for the seed tray? It has 16 possible coordinates to pick up seeds.

The seed tray has 16 positions to pick up seeds. Which one should I point the needle of de seeder to?

The documentation says “use coordinates for when FarmBot’s seed injector needle will be positioned to pick up a seed”. The tray has 16 positions to pick up seeds… Should I point it to A1?

Hi @eliziorezende and Welcome !

The FarmBot Inc. online documentation only refers to seed containers ?

Is your ‘seed tray’ with “16 possible coordinates” a part of your Genesis kit ?

@eliziorezende my apologies for the long delayed response. I have just updated the software documentation with some additional information about setting up the coordinates for a seed tray: Tools | FarmBot Software Documentation. Here is the important bit:

Different tools and seed containers will require different coordinates for the slot:

  • Seed trays (with 16 individual cells) - Use coordinates for when FarmBot’s seed injector needle is positioned between cells A2 and A3, approximately 1mm above the top of the seed tray. If your tool slot’s pullout direction is in the Negative X direction, position the needle exactly between cells D2 and D3. In either case, the UTM’s main cylindrical section should be aligned with the outer cylindrical face of the seed tray as in the example image below. Then use the Pick from Seed Tray featured sequence for picking up seeds from a specific cell in the tray.

Some context: In the past, users have needed to use more tedious software work-arounds to effectively use the seed tray. This could have been accomplished in several ways, but some commons ones were using OFFSET field in a move command, or making a point for each cell in the seed tray. These options may still be useful in some contexts, though we recommend the featured sequence as the easiest option now.


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