I installed the FarmBot Genesis v1.7 in a room.
So, I provided a 10-liter plastic water container to supply water to the watering nozzle and connected it to the FarmBot piping system.
I understand that I need a pump with 25-50 psi, right?
Do you have any recommendations for available products?
If you remove the pressure regulator component, the pump requirements can be much less. Although we call this a pressure regulator, this component is really to induce pressure drop in the water line and reduce the pressure from a municipal water supply down to 15 PSI and prevent the silicon tubes from blowing off the UTM.
If you plan to use a 12V pump to provide water then you will need to remove this component.
I already bought this product to match the FarmBot pressure range (25-50 PSI, Seaflo Pump, 12V, 1.2 GPM, 35 PSI).
I believe I can install it without applying any other modifications (dismounting any components) since it provides 35 PSI, which is within the 25-50 PSI range. It seems to be a good product.
We are going to mount it and control it using a suitable relay connected to the available Farmduino peripheral.