Weeding crash error

This is a new one.

I tried to get FB to weed 3 weeds as a test.

The first weed was properly destroyed, and it moved to the second.
It lowered the UTM with the weeder head, turned on the motor then something strange happened.
It started to withdraw the head, leaving the motor running. The sequence then stopped leaving the motor running. There was nothing in the log files, with all logging options turned on. Are there deeper log files to read?

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Did it reboot the farmbot? I have had reboots on weeding, sometimes the first, sometimes the 20th sometimes not at all. Have seen raspberry crashes on voltage issues. My Genesis 1.6 has a fairly big power supply, so this should not be a problem, maybe we should measure voltages on the boards to see if a voltage drop is the cause.

I changed my weeding to monitor the current closely and stop around 80 or so when moving down, then move back up for 10mm and move sideways.

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There was nothing in the log files to indicate a reboot. At the moment, I sit with the FB as I don’t trust it with most operations. There are too many glitches for my liking to call it reliable. I intend to keep at it and investigate each one as we all need a robot we can trust to just do its thing. Rory from FB has been actively engaging and has implemented two of my fixes so far, and a third has been recommended into the bug fix queue.

I found a solution to get reliable head changes on the water head by adding a couple of washers so I now trust my FB to water correctly each time. Weeding was the next thing on my hit list. The detection has not worked out well and the trimmer is not quite where it needs to be in my opinion so I am rewriting the LUA code to make it behave in a manner that I would prefer. It will be shared once I have it working nicely.


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