MTSS controller and server set up question

Hey guys,

question, I’ve got someone here working with me on setting up our own local server but I’m trying to figure out if the MTSS is part of the web app or sperate and standalone?


One more question:

what about all my sequences and backed data from, web app data from my account etc.

as I just said, where trying to set up a local server and the gentleman I’m working with asked about all that information which raised a question.

can I get all of those files so that I don’t have to rebuild everything I’ve worked on for the past couple months?
is there some way I can access an FTP and pull those files from farmbot web app server?

Are you referring to step 12 of the local web app setup instructions in the README?

Thanks for the reply Gabriel, :ok_hand: :

Ok so, I’m completely new to setting up a server but I did read the README file.

can we start by answering this question:

can I get all my sequence data from you guys and drop that into our server so that I don’t have to rebuild ever sequences I’ve ever made?

I’m more of a communication medium through the forums and then to the guy helping me so im sorry if im a little redundant with some of my questions and understanding.

I’ve answered that question on your topic for it.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Setting up a server - Where are the sequences stored?

@Gabriel What about this MTSS controller server? is that part of the web app or standalone for the server?

Are you referring to step 12 of the local web app setup instructions in the README?