FIND HOME --> FIND ALL, do not find X only finds Z and Y

FIND HOME --> FIND ALL, do not find X only finds Z and Y

After this issue I introduced in the sequence one by one FIND HOME --> FIND Z, then FIND HOME --> FIND Y and FIND HOME – FIND X which actually can work at the beginning of “take water tool” sequence

I did the same at the beginning of “leave water tool” sequence but it is really wierd that only make FIND Z and forgets about all other axis

using main watering sequence which uses teake tool and the beginning and leave tool at the end has this issue in find home. it is just my case or is a generalized problem? any hint if is a software issue?


You take a photo about your problem, i got the same problem with you

Please post problems in the Troubleshooting category.

it always fails trying to FIND HOME FIND Y and FIND X in “leave water” sub sequence

i don´t know if anyone in the software could replicate the problem or check what am I doing wrong

Main Sequence Watering Sub sequence take water tool Sub sequence water n seconds Sub sequence leave water tool
Execute take water tool Find Home Find Z write pin #9=1 Find Home Find Z
Move Absolute (200,200,-250) Find Home Find Y wait 3500 Find Home Find Y
Execute water n seconds Find Home Find X write pin #9=0 Find Home Find X
Move Absolute (400,400,-250) Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (0,0,200) Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (100,0,100)
Execute water n seconds Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (0,0,0) Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (100,0,0)
Move Absolute (200,600,-250) Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (100,0,0) Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (0,0,0)
Execute water n seconds Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (100,0,100) Move Absolute Tool (x,y,z) + (0,0,100)
Move Absolute (400,800,-250)
Execute water n seconds
Move Absolute (200,1000,-250)
Execute water n seconds
Move Absolute (400,1200,-250)
Execute water n seconds
Execute leave water tool
Move Absolute (0,0,0)
Find Home Find Z
Find Home Find Y
Find Home Find X

Nice spreadsheet! Try adding a Move Absolute to 0 before the Find Home.

it worked!

you can know more why than me.

do you consider it a bug? or should be near 0 to work?


I think you need to change the difference method to make sequence. I dont use Find Home, I just use move absolute and move relative to find home (include find x,find y, find z). i got this problem like u, and now i solve it.

I had the same problem. I added an absolute position of 0,0,0 to before the “find home” action like suggested but it would result in an error sometimes. Instead, I added to “find home” actions at the beginning of the sequence. That works.
I think there is a bug in with any find home action On the first run, it sometimes seems to goto it’s virtual home, not physical. The second time, it seems to work. I’ve noticed this behavior when using a combination of the “position” tab and “home x” on the devices tab.

Anyway, I’ve created “Find Home” sequence that seems to solve this problem.

As near as I can figure. Occasionally, the first call to find home is doing something close to telling the axis to go home, but not quite. Perhaps a cached home value or something. The second call actually triggers the home command so the motors will go until they meet resistance.
At worst, this makes each axis find home twice and it takes a bit longer, at best, it avoid this problem all together.