Using FarmbotOS beta updates

Some quick feedback on Pre-Release v8.2.4-rc3

  • Farmwares fail, e.g.
02:07:46.101 [info]  [take-photo] OpenCV import error.
  • espeak “kind `a works” ™ ( very chopped-up audio and only on HDMI )


Testing on Pre-Release v8.2.4-rc7

Looking a heap better in many ways ( Thanks @connor )

  • Farmwares work normally ( no OpenCV issue )
  • Sequences which include multiple Farmwares ( e.g. take-photo ) run to completion !

Still needing fixes

  • espeak “kind `a works” ™ ( very chopped-up audio and only on HDMI )
  • timing race around pipes/CeleryScript compiler/AST still shows up occasionally
    and aborts a running Sequence.
    Wonder if a fix similar to one of your farmware.ex fixes is a patch for this ? ( swallow up that :DOWN message so it won’t propagate )