Verifying Email After Making New Account

I am having trouble verifying my Farmbot account at the Web App portal. I have made my account and received my verification email, but upon following the link included in this email, my browser leaves me with a “Site Cannot Be Reached” error. I have made three separate accounts (two edu accounts and one gmail), and have tried verifying in two separate browsers (Chrome and Edge), with no success in any combination. Additionally, any page with the “” domain presents the same error. Am I missing a detail somewhere?

If it makes any difference - I am yet to connect to my FarmBot - I have not reached the Message Center page yet.

@ajm30415 my apologies for the trouble. We are currently experiencing a service outage for the and domains. We expect this to be resolved later today and you can check this thread for updates.

Once service is restored you should be able to click the account verification link for whichever email addresses you would like to create accounts with. Any emails you do not want to have an account with you can ignore.

Thank you for your patience!

Service has now been restored.

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