There is so much in your comment it is hard to unpack but here goes.
I have had some of your issues, so here are my suggestions.
X-Y I run my motors at 100% and have no issues. No power when not in use.
Z axis drop - Try setting Z-axis to be powered at all times. I have LUA code to power Z up before a run and a ‘park’ sequence to depower everything and let the Z drop (if it wants to).
Stall detection does not work on the far side of the X axis. The second X axis motor is powered (if you have set it so) but the encoders are not coded. It is on the backlog.
Planting. I am manually planting at the moment for the reason of losing seeds on the way into the ground. My approach long term approach is this.
I have been focussing on FB resilience and bug fixes, so the development of this tooling has been paused, but the hole maker and seeder work great as a combo. I plan to significantly improve this, including a spiral movement to pick up the seed, as the seed was never in the right place. I wrote a spiral in a sequence, but it was very clunky, so I need to re-write it in LUA.